Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The word "induction" can strike fear in the heart of many expectant moms.  There are two main fears - that the pain will be unmanageable and that starting with an intervention will lead to many more.

So when is induction a good plan?

No matter how wonderful our plans can be for an intervention free birth - sometimes a mom's health or a baby's health dictate a change in plans.  So when either mom or baby are compromised, an induction can be a good plan.

In working with your medical team, make sure you understand the details.  How will the induction start?  Are there several options in beginning this process?  If one doesn't start labor - what is the next step?  Will this be a slow process allowing labor to kick in - or are there medical reasons that it needs to be moved along more quickly?

Will you be allowed to eat up to a certain point, if labor does not start by evening, do you have the option to turn everything off, shower, eat and sleep before starting again.

What will your limitations be with the method of induction chosen?  Will you be able to move around? Will you need constant monitoring?

These are all questions to discuss to come to a medically sound, safe process of induction.

I've seen many families go through an induction unmedicated and with a happy ending. There are definitely inductions that don't lead to many more interventions.  But if that happens, just keep asking questions so that you feel informed of the choices made.

Having a doula to support you through this process can be a great help.  But in any case, be well - and try not to fear that induction can lead to a bad memory of your birth.


  1. I love your wisdom in these matters, Cyndi!

  2. Yes so true. There are some things that needed to be applied in the actual labor so we could save the baby and the mother's life. Changes always applies in some circumstances!
