Saturday, July 2, 2011

Should I Consider a Doula for the Next Birth?

I wasn't sleeping one night and thought about all the birth stories I had heard from moms - when they went through labor the first time and came out of it with a bad memory of the experience.  So I put together a poem as if I was a mom thinking about having another child.  Here is my poem.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say
So why don’t I feel about my birth the right way.
That moment was supposed to be so treasured for life
But is only a memory of trauma and strife.

I know my son is healthy and for that I am grateful
But the memory of his birth is still very painful
I thought I was so prepared for what I would face
But then labor started with an out of control pace.

The classes, the books, all our desires became a blur
As I fell into a mindset where I felt so unsure
I didn’t know what to do, what to ask for, my rights
And the end result felt like a cascade of frights.

So next time how do I make the day more cherished.
Wait, am I crazy, I felt I almost perished.
No, that’s not true, and my boy is so amazing.
Another precious child is definitely my craving.

So what can I do this time that last time I didn’t try.
Is there a different class or a book I can buy?
All my friends’ birth stories are locked in my head.
How do I move past all the fear and the dread.

I’ve heard that a doula can give you great aid
Can help when your worried, or frustrated or afraid
She can  remind you of positions and choices you could make.
But the decision is still mine, this is my journey to take.

My husband and mother can make me feel bold.
They will not be replaced by a doula, I’m told.
The room will feel calmer, peaceful, and informed.
Isn’t that what I wanted when my first son was born?

I’m feeling stronger about this, what I’d really like to do
I know I can speak up and should be listened to
That my voice really matters – wow my thinking has changed.
I’m now looking forward to childbirth again.

So perhaps I’ll look into doula support for this birth,
And I’ll talk to my husband and explain why she’s worth
Bringing her into our team, a doula will lighten our journey.
With my husband and a doula I can have a wonderful memory.


  1. Cyndi,
    It's been just over 4 years since you were at the birth of my second son, what I call "a perfect birth". Not that it was without pain or surprises, we just made much better choices with you in the room. I feel like I could have written your poem above. It says what was on my heart when we hired you and that was one of the best decisions we've ever made. I recently met a doula and told her about my experience with you. I described to her that it was like you were the gentle whisper in my best friend and husbands ear in the labor room, guiding them, while letting them really share the moment with me. I hope you are doing well, and I just wanted you to know that I have enjoyed recently recalling my memories of you.
    Holli Lee

  2. Holli - I haven't forgotten your birth! It is still a wonderful memory for me too! I have heard this "story" so many, many times over the years that I just wanted to put it down on paper. So thankful you felt it expressed what I wanted to say. I'm well - still loving what I do - yours was an amazing birth! Thanks so much for the note.
