Monday, November 8, 2010

Back Up Doulas

I was reminded this week of how vital it is to have good backup for our work as doulas.  I got a call in the morning from a doula who was on a birth at one facility, just heard from a 38 week client who was being admitted to the hospital in another facility, and this doula's backup was out of town. I had enough time to throw on my shoes and run out my door. I was very glad I could help this family have doula support but it actually caused me alot of anxiety about my own clients.

That weekend, I had 3 possible births who could need help.  And made many calls to my backups to make sure someone would be available.  We all have our own lives, and some were travelling, some were not feeling well, some had family obligations, some were on other births, etc.  Thankfully I am surrounded by many dedicated and hardworking doulas so I had assurance I could call if I needed someone.

Then - my fears were starting to come true.  One mom starts labor Friday morning  but didn't deliver until Sunday around midnight.- another is to be induced Sunday morning  and ended up delivering Sunday afternoon- and the 3rd mom who thought she might be in labor on Sunday - has not delivered yet.

All doulas realize that when families work so hard to interview and select a doula, they want THEIR doula.  It can be very concerning to learn that someone you don't know might come through that door.  So we all work very hard to make sure we are available for our clients. But life - and birth - happens.  I am grateful to say I was able to attend both my births on Sunday (with a 2 hour window between them). And they were wonderful families who had amazing births.

I would just like to reassure all families who are concerned that they might end up with the "backup", that doulas are a special breed of women. They come into this work with a concern and passion for labor and support.  They are invested in supporting families to the best of their ability. We try to pick backup that we know and have confidence in their abilities.  So feel comfortable that if your doula has to send a backup, she will be an amazing support to you through your labor and although your doula will have to mourn the loss of attending your birth, you'll be happy a backup doula was there!


  1. Cyndi- your site looks great and I think it is cool for you to have a blog too! WOW, 700...I think with Jaz's birth, you were around 500. Busy lady! Congrats on it all!

  2. Yes - busy with births and grateful to all the families like yours that have allowed me to share their experience. Good to hear from you!
